Simple home organization, really?
a guide for busy moms who are …
frustrated and overwhelmed with never ending clutter.
looking for simple and effective organizing systems.
too tired to color code, decant or line up anything.
lucky to find 30 extra minutes a day to themselves.
open to doing things a new and simple way, one system at a time because their current ideas are not working.
do you have trouble getting rid of stuff?
Maybe you’re not asking yourself the right questions. There are three magic questions I ask my clients during the purge process of getting organized. These three magic questions help dig deeper into excuses for holding on, and help them let go if it’s not actually a positive and helpful one to hold. Many times we keep things out of guilt, shame and scarcity- those feelings don’t serve us or our spaces. Get my three questions.
but, what do you do with the stuff that stays?
Effective home organization, the kind that DOESN’T require hours of decluttering and organizing, means you’re also preventing clutter from occurring in the first place. That’s only possible if you set up systems for success, simple systems that can be set up in minutes and maintained effortlessly.
In fact, my favorite most used system that saves me hours of decluttering can be set up in 1 minute and maintained in less than 5 minutes! Don’t believe it’s possible? Check it out and borrow it!
got systems, but still have clutter?
We don’t buy gym memberships, work out one time, and expect the results to be noticeable or effective. You have to keep showing up.
Your organizing systems are similar, they aren’t going to work themselves. The secret is to create what I call “tiny tidy habits” to fit into your busy day and family life. Habits can be hard to create and maintain… unless you know the science behind making them stick. Lucky for you, I’ve done the research and I’m sharing. I have 3 simple tools that make forming “tiny tidy habits” as second nature as brushing your teeth.